The December 2, 1954 meeting of Kappa Omicron chapter of Alpha Phi Omega was called to order at 7:40 p.m. by President, Charles Lincoln.  The secretary’s report was read and accepted after a couple of additions have been made.  The Treasurer's report was given.  The Membership Chairman gave his report.  It was decided the election of offices that our next meeting, December 9, and to have the instalation of officers and the pledging of four boys pledged in the four boys interested in joining Alpha Phi Omega.

    The project chairman brought up some projects:
  1. The suggestion box which will be built during Christmas vacation by one of the pledges.
  2. To manage lost and found at basketball games.

Two letters were received by the president thanking Omicron chapter for carrying the torches at the rallies and thanking Paul Killam of getting his service watching the statue at the Conservation Department open house.

The motion was made and seconded that Charles Lincoln, Dave Houston and Al Swenson be made a nominating committee of three to nominate the offices of the election of the next week’s meeting.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:30 p.m.

Respectfully submitted
Robert Mitchell

Next available meeting minutes